The Reason for my Passion of Education
If anyone has spent a good deal of time around me, then you know that I am passionate about education for children. Not many can say that they are living their dreams as a young child. Mine was to become a wife, mom and a teacher. In 2013 I stepped out of the classroom shortly after starting my career, to become a stay at home mother to my daughter. Since then life has changed a lot and I find myself a stay at home mom to three children, soon-to-be four. I am still as equally passionate about education as ever. (Possibly more-so since having my own children!)
Aside from playing teacher as a little girl, my experiences in school and out of school have fueled this passion of mine. The passion is to see children embracing their life from a place of feeling safe, important and loved. When children lack the feeling of being safe, important and loved - when they pick-up on undertones of being a nuisance, behind in their learning schedule, lacking understanding, having their teacher belittle them -- then you will not see a child flourish but regress. Children need a support system at home and at school.
When I was in second grade I had a teacher who made me feel less than par. My parents received phone calls about me not academically doing well in school. My reading level went down to a kindergarten level. My questions about what we were doing in class would be met with eye rolls, sighs, huffs or being ignored. It crushed me. Other children began picking on me too. Then I was put into a special ed class for a bit. It was kind of fun, kind of not. You felt outed in front of all these kids. However, there were a few of us that were pulled from our classes to focus on lessons we needed to get better at. Truly not a bad thing. There was an afternoon when our teacher was really late for class. Us kids just sat in the hall along the wall waiting for her. In this tiny little hall there was a messy bookshelf. I had this bright idea to pick it up and I got a few of the kids involved. Because of that, we got in major trouble and we went home with a "pink slip." What a TERRIBLE feeling! There was this bully type kid that usually caused trouble and did crazy things, therefore getting "pink slips." It was like bragging rights for him about how many he could get. Mind you, we are all 2nd graders! After that confusing pink slip incident, my parents got way more involved. (I was a very happy child from a super healthy environment. Things were not adding up for my parents.)
My dad is not someone you want to mess with. Not because he's mean but because he is a just man. He defends the powerless well.
One morning my Dad told me he was taking me to school. When the teacher can't find a time to meet with a concerned parent with a supposedly failing student, then you make time to meet her. Hand in hand we passed all the kids waiting to enter school. We walked down the hall to my classroom and went in. I got nervous and terribly embarrassed and therefore walked to my little cubby in the hall where I hung my bag and jacket. My teacher refused to speak with my dad about me. She walked out on him. So, my dad walked out with me to never return back there again.
When I got home, I was surprised and excited I did not have to go back to school again! What a delightful thought, to play all day! Cutting the rest of that story short, I was homeschooled for two weeks, toured several schools and ended my school year at another local elementary school. I stayed at that school for the next school year as well. My grades sky rocketed! When fourth grade came around the corner my parents decided to homeschool all four of us kids. Even then my grades sky-rocketed and I tested so advanced that I got to skip 6th grade!
When tenth grade came around the corner I was working hard to graduate at 15 years old. However, we went back into public school and to my comfort was still well ahead of kids around me. (It's always a tiny fear that you're not where other kids are at academically.) It was in public school again, 11th grade, that there was another incident with a teacher. It was a chemistry class. I found that I loved chemistry. My grades were excellent the first semester. My peers struggled to keep up with our lessons and asked me to help them understand our lessons. I was asked for help with homework or straight up begged to have my work copied. When the second semester rolled around the corner, we all began struggling like never before. The work was getting to a point where I couldn't teach myself from the text books anymore and couldn't make sense of things for my peers. My questions weren't answered by the teacher. I had mixed feelings about it. While I was frustrated about my struggle, I was concerned about the teacher. It seemed something was not right. I couldn't put my finger on it but I wondered about her health being the reason we couldn't understand her. She became very difficult and harsh with us. I went from an A+ to begging for a C on tests and sometimes not even getting that!
My Dad got involved once again. How does an A+ student drop grades like that, (not having changed lifestyle habits), and then go to a C- student the next semester? I was not the only one either. It was all of her classes. Needless to say the teacher was eventually fired and a little piece of me has always wondered what came of her.
Some of my take aways from my experiences are:
- To see change you will have to speak up to the giants in the school systems.
- Government schools do not own the children. Be active participants in their education as parents. Know what is going on.
- Pull your children out of school if they are not in a safe environment. There ARE other options!
- Public schools are failing the children in many ways.
- Confrontation is not a bad thing. Solutions can be discovered and problems can be solved.
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