My Zip Code Has Changed!

As I swept the never ending, always collecting dog hair from my floors, Pandora streamed through my speaker. As the advertisement played, it advertised its location - Orlando, FL. "After all these years, I still haven't changed my location on Pandora." It was a fleeting thought. That moment sparked a deeper thought. (I love how God speaks!) Here it is:

What areas in my life have I not updated the zip code? 

Hey insecurity! Guess what? You can stop playing your persuasive advertisements. I moved! - My new zip code is covered by the blood of Jesus and we don't need your services there.

Hey doubt! You know what, I bought from your supply and I'm done. I've found a new supplier for all my concerns and worries. I'm updating my zip code, we no longer need your advertisements!

Hey Stagnancy? I loved your beautiful ad, the pond was pretty, the skies were blue, everything looked picturesque. However, I moved to bigger waters. What I thought was attractive turned out to be stinky and simply life-sucking depression. It does not compare to the beauty of living waters. It's flowing, deep, soothing, exhilarating and breathtaking here. My zip code has changed, I am unsubscribing from your ads.

Hey self-pity, I see you trying to advertise to me. Don't you shy away and act like it's not true! I changed my zip code. I no longer accept your advertisements in my new home. Get out of here!

These are just off the top of my head. Perhaps there are areas where you need to update your zip code too? I am partnering with Holy Spirit to help identify where (and if) I need to do some updating in my life. - It feels so good!

If you feel that similar tug I felt when asking this question, maybe ask Holy Spirit to search your heart and make you aware of areas that need zip code changes. I love how God personalizes our journey with Him. I love that His ways are intentional about leading us to Him. The more I know the Lord, the more whole I feel. It's wonderful. 💛

New Living Translation

The Passion Translation


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