The Good Stuff
February 6th, 2019
11:27 p.m.
Today I was sick. Being sick is certainly never a venture we seek out to live. However, it does sometimes come and we ride the waves of the struggle it presents.
11:27 p.m.
Today I was sick. Being sick is certainly never a venture we seek out to live. However, it does sometimes come and we ride the waves of the struggle it presents.
Being 40 weeks pregnant with two young children is hard enough. No matter the joys that outweigh the stretching and growing they bring you through. But oh how I love their presence in my life!
This afternoon I got the luxury of sleeping and resting as my husband came home and dove right into lunch time shenanigans with them. It amazed me to see how much his presence allowed my body to rest. It was like once he arrived, my body relaxed and let the illness work it’s way out. “In sickness and in health,” came to mind as I rested. What a treasure marriage can be in the happy and icky!
As evening approached, my kiddos bounded onto my bed for attention. They’re gentle love and concern is so sweet! And that’s when I got to experience a moment with them that I never want to forget. Because, when parenting gets tricky or down right hard, it’ll be such a sweet reminder of what is going right.
Stan sprawled himself on my side and hugged me. Occasionally looking up at me with those big blue eyes and handsome smile. So full of life and energy! Then he’d put his head down and hold my hand. Shirley snuggled me from behind and tickled my arm gently. Oh how empathetic and tender she is!
Then, Stan began to sing, just as I was feeling like their presence was wearing me out. (Because baby #3 was also making his presence known!) I paused my “goodnight” from slipping out and listened.
Then, Stan began to sing, just as I was feeling like their presence was wearing me out. (Because baby #3 was also making his presence known!) I paused my “goodnight” from slipping out and listened.
In one of the sweetest and softest voices you can imagine, “deduh, deduh, deduh.” His little head swayed side to side as he looked at me. Then Shirley’s gentle voice chimes in, “Jesus, Jesus, take momma’s germs away.” My eyes were near tears but the love and joy I felt from their songs overruled and I laughed with delight, thanking them for such a sweet song. Then the moment was over. They went to play with Jeff and I finally fell into a deep restful sleep and awoke tonight feeling a million times better.
Sometimes you’ve just got to share the good stuff!
Also, family photo just because. ❤️
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