
While I nursed Stan, I had a thought, about opposition. It felt profound yet extremely simple. That thought? Opposition sucks. I know. So obvious, but it struck something in me to delve in deeper and I ended up writing. It helped. To write, to read, to reflect. 

Opposition sucks. Whether we're right or wrong. Our purpose, the "end goal", the "why" in persevering, pushing through, is our motivation to keep-on-keeping-on through the opposition that arrises. 

Reasons we push through:
  1. The Lord has brought us here. Positioned us, in Alexandria. We may not know all the reasons but we can guarantee His reasons are for us not against us.
  2. Gain more skill and knowledge in timber framing in order to start, run and operate our own timber business someday.
  3. Start a Montessori school. 
  4. Because the Lord is LORD. That should be enough. But graciously we can see smaller details on the horizon. Like the timber framing, school and church.
The strength to do it, to push through? Comes from the confidence in knowing that what we are doing right here, right now, was divinely arranged by the Lord. 
  • Every step we took in considering Alexandria, the Lord showed up and showed off. 
  • The PEACE. 
    • The peace in every decision we made. It grew my confidence each time it showed up during decisions. It strengthened as we grew closer to our move and still remains as we've lived here 6,7 weeks(?). 
  • The JOY.
    • Such joy has grown in me since the decision to move here!
  • The humor
    • Silly moving van
    • Silly butterfly in house
    • Nebraska plates (haven't seen any since those three days.  (First time in Alex. Second Time in Alex. Day we moved to Alex.) 
  • Thousand Hills
    • Never needing to put in a two-week notice
    • the stipend
    • just enough sanity till the end! 
  • Debt-Free - we paid off nearly $20,000 in a year and a half. Thank YOU Lord!
I know there's more that can be added in detail but the idea remains the same. The Lord is faithful! 

Opposition is just about guaranteed when stepping out in faith. Remembering the why for stepping out will greatly influences the how in pushing through.


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