Hope Rising Montessori School
- Hubby encouraging me to start a Montessori School
- Two-Hour Conversation with Hana
- Mom's Inspiring School Name
- Mid-Night Nursing (Recollecting school name)
- Google Search
- Haiti
- Spirit Life Church (word from the Lord during worship)
- Preparation
Mom's Inspiring School Name
After telling her about furthering my education and my goal to eventually start a school, I could almost taste the hope of its potential reality someday. That's when my mom said confidently, "I know! It could be called, 'Hope...Montessori School.'" My guts reaction was "YES!" That's IT! Um, however, I forgot what she actually said. Which leads me into my next bullet point. Mid-Night Nursing. As Stan nursed I was thinking about that time with my mom. I ran over the entire conversation and still could not recall that "perfect" name for the school. I just remembered that it was 'Hope' something. I even dwelled on that word. Hope. I finally came to the conclusion that we would be lost without hope. That's when the name "Hope Rising" wouldn't leave my mind. If that phrase could be a piece of paper on the counter, it would be one of those things I'd try to move aside so that I could do my real work. Yet somehow it keeps ending up in my workspace. Then I take time to actually read what it says. HOPE RISING. Huh, Hope Rising. Yeah, I kind of like that. Hope Rising Montessori School of Alexandria, MN. Is this what You want me to call it Lord? It was growing on me. I actually tried nitpicking at the name and the ways to find fault with it. Except I kept ruling those out with, "what is a child without hope?" "What is an environment without hope" It was powerful. Hope as it is was something I'd never given much time to ponder.
I googled "Hope Rising" to see what would pop up. I was thinking that surely a Christian song would come up. A song did come up but I'm not entirely sure it's "Christian." Another top link that sat there was, "Hope Rising Children's Home." Woah. That was intriguing. It became even more intriguing when I opened it up and read about them. Talk about hope rising! This had to be of the Lord. There is just no other way I would have happen across this ministry that so acutely aligns with my mission for the school I have been encouraged to start. This children's home is in Haiti and their mission is this:
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https://www.hrch.org/mission/ |
This is what speaks so me deeply:
"Develop, Declare, Disciple"
Develop a safe and loving environment where physical, spiritual, educational, and emotional needs are met.
Declare the gospel of Jesus Christ to both the children and the community.
Disciple others to live like Jesus Christ and reproduce that life in others.
So that is where I am at.
This morning at Spirit Life Church Jeff wrote down a word that he felt was for the both of us.
You don't think there's going to be opposition? You have been directed and sent by the Lord to where you are, continue in it no matter what you have to push through.
You have been given your fields back. (Year of 50) If you don't sell early, and if you plant good seed, you will have a successful harvest and good fields.
"Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited
Isaiah 54:2,3
I know it's early yet but when I opened my bible to look up the above scripture reference I opened up to this...I'm certain that if a verse could do a jumping jack for attention, this one did.
"The LORD will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring."
Isaiah 59:11
I trust that if this is the Lord's word to us, that He will be faithful to uphold it, to be beside us in it, available to us in the persevering and our strength during the our weakness. HE is our hope. (and do much more!)
So for now, I am studying again. I am trying to have ears that hear and eyes that see what the Lord has for me to see and hear. I'm preparing and working towards this mission of opening this school and it seems the avenue to start is getting my home licensed for day care as a starting point.
*Day care
Other things in the works that we're trusting the Lord for, in His timing.
Foster Care/Adoption; Gopher Blasting Business
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