Who are you? First string or second?
There are so many times that we, as women, compare ourselves
to other girls. As if somehow we are less valuable than the those “we do not measure
up to.”
Sadly, most of us women seem to deem other women, who we feel in-superior
towards, far superior than ourselves. Especially when they are strong in our
weaknesses; or what we think are our
weaknesses. Sometimes it happens when we lack qualities that another effortlessly possesses. These
thought processes come almost as natural as breathing and if not treated, dwelled upon daily.
In my life there have been several girls, of whom I often compared myself to. And honestly, I catch myself doing every once in a while. The thought processes have gone something like this:
· She’s so fun to be around.
Her favorite colors are my favorite colors
Her style is my style
She likes the same music I do
She’s wonderful with children
No way, how in the world do some her dreams
mirror mine?!
She knows more about guns than I do
She’s an experienced pianist and guitarist…I
will probably never reach that expertise
She seems more knowledgeable about politics
She seems to have a deeper understanding of the
Lord…will I ever be that close to God?
You fill in the blank ________.
One girl was so similar to me that she once said we were
nearly the same person! Except we are not, and she confidently agreed.
There were many times I was tempted to think, “well if there is someone almost exactly
like me, why am I even here?!” Immediately my emotions would kick into high
gear. Jealousy tried getting cozy within me as I was filled with anxiety that
my future husband would most likely rather have a more petite ‘me,’ who was far
more talented in areas I would "never" achieve. But I did not stop there;
throughout those moments I repeated scripture that confirmed my value as a
person. Truths that counteracted the lies bombarding me, lies telling me that
Joyanna [let’s call her that], was simply a more beautiful, more fun, more
talented writer, more…more…and more of a person than I was.
Oh how easy it is to stay in that mind-set, especially when you’re in it!
My goodness is it ever easy to believe those thoughts!! GIRLS, all of those
thoughts? All of those thoughts telling you that you are less of a person, they
are LIES!! Lies. The truth of
the matter is that the Lord hand crafted you. ...No, that does not mean you were
hand crafted with lesser qualities than someone else. You were hand crafted with love, tenderness, and joy.
You say, “Rebecca this is nice and all but not for me. I was
a product of rape. Clearly I was not hand crafted with love, tenderness or joy.”
Well, God’s word leads me to believe that you dear one are His workmanship. [See Eph. 2:10] I see you being the good brought out of a bad situation. I see you dear
sister as a woman who is worth knowing, a woman who is meant to be here, a woman
worth hearing, a woman worthy of love and praise. --- Every woman is meant to be
So when it comes down to it, in a way I am saying “get over
it.” Not only to you but to myself as well. Seriously girls, when we sulk in
self-pity and soak our minds in a pool of lies, we leave our world void of the
beauty we have to offer. Instead, would you not rather soak yourselves in truth? Truth that sets you free from the enslaving inferiority and brings with it peace and joy?
I have learned time and time again that it does not matter how
old we are, women all over the world seem to struggle with this concept. It’s a real real shame. I like what the ‘Sleep
Number’ commercials have been advertising lately, “there are no mass-produced
humans,” and boy are they right!
The following are a few things I try to do when I am bombarded
with such deceiving thoughts. I admit, I do not always act right away, but
I have always found that when I proclaim truth over every situation, it brings such unexplainable liberty.[2 Corinthians 3:17].
Take the thought captive. I make it submit to
the Throne of God.
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5
· I test the thought with scripture, The Bible, a
book of letters and history accounts that I whole-heartedly believe to be God
“All scripture is given by the inspiration of
God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness, that the man [or woman] of God may be complete,
thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16.
I will thank the Lord for what He’s done and
doing in my life; I praise the Lord for who He is. [The Lord is Amazing! Simply
astounding. Fierce. Strong and mighty – Psalm 24:8; 89:13…list what comes to
your mind.]
I sometimes create a list of what the Lord has
been doing in my life. Name everything that comes to mind! If it seems menial
to you, if the Lord blessed you with whatever it may be, do you really think it’s
that menial to Him? I believe the Lord is genuinely interested in every aspect
of our lives. Nothing is too little to thank Him for.
REST. Lay down and turn on worship music that proclaims who
God is.
Take a walk.
Swing in a tree swing. There’s just something so
liberating about tree swings. [at least to me!]
I like to play the piano or my guitar. Oh how I
love my time playing for the Lord. If you don’t play instruments find what you
enjoy doing (-= Seriously, we’re not mass-produced, right? Who says you have to
be play music? ;] --- Make this a time where you can share your heart with the
Lord. A time where just the two of you spend time together. This will become a time
you treasure more and more.
Write scripture on index cards and place them
around your bathroom mirror. Daily you will be reminded of your value. It does
make a difference.
“For the word of God is living, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
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This photo marks the night when I needed to grab hold of the truth that God is faithful. And now, several months later, I remain in 'awe.' The Lord cares so deeply for His children! |
“For we are God's
masterpiece, created in the Messiah Jesus to perform good actions that God
prepared long ago to be our way of life” Ephesians 2:10
See what's hidden in these Awesome Scripture references:
Philippians 4:8!
Psalm 103 and 139!
1 Timothy 4:4 and 4:12
1 Thessalonians 5:24
Hebrews 10:23
1 Timothy 4:4 and 4:12
1 Thessalonians 5:24
Hebrews 10:23
1 Peter 3:1-7 [beauty in it's most beautiful and raw form]
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