This is me, a borrowed GPS, and a glimpse to our adventure...
GPS: “Stay left on split road [which sounds more like 'slip' road]. Merge left onto hwy 163…”
Okay, here we go! Alright car please let me in. Thank you. Man, there are so many cars!
GPS: “Exit to the left in point two miles…”
uhh, where? Oh my, that’s several lanes over. Please Mr. Semi I need to move over...Well fine then!
GPS: “Recalculating. In four point seven miles exit to the right...”
Sweet! -- Five minutes later -- How did my exit turn into two split ramps?!
GPS: “Recalculating."
Several miles and exits later…I arrive in my dusty Silverado and suddenly feel as if the BMW’s, Mercedes, and Cadillac’s are scrutinizing my every move. So with boldness I back my truck in-between two fancy shmancy cars and walk into the marble-everything building. Amongst the manicured men and women I stuck out like a sore thumb in my blue jeans and white tank top. What is this place?! This is where I’m going to school? But alas, this surely was the building, the next thing I needed to do was visit the thirteenth floor. The man in the elevator looked at me, “You look at peace.” Taking a three second evaluation I smiled and replied with an honest, “I am.” Apparently he was about to go beat up some banks, whatever that means.
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Okay, here we go! Alright car please let me in. Thank you. Man, there are so many cars!
GPS: “Exit to the left in point two miles…”
uhh, where? Oh my, that’s several lanes over. Please Mr. Semi I need to move over...Well fine then!
GPS: “Recalculating. In four point seven miles exit to the right...”
Sweet! -- Five minutes later -- How did my exit turn into two split ramps?!
GPS: “Recalculating."
Oh dear, how am I ever going to figure this out? One moment the road I need is above me and the next it’s below me.

As I braved the highways home what he said rang in my ears, it's true, although I am sometimes crazed along this journey of faith I still feel at peace knowing that I am traveling in the direction The Lord gave me. And unless God directs otherwise, I will still walk in what He has revealed to me. Even when I find my classroom to be vacant…
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