There is a Shaking Going On
Preface: This is not about political parties - it’s a world crisis issue
It would be a relief to be wrong, something that I would prefer. But if there is even a shred of truth to these things (worldwide sex-trafficking rings, human sacrifices in satanic cults, poisoning in our va//ines, being programed by movies and news outlets, etc.), staying idle would be the possible worst thing to do. As Christians, we do not turn a blind eye to evil. - I do not want to be that person in history that says, “we did not know.” Or, “I did not know what to do,” therefore doing nothing. It reminds me of the neighborhoods next to the railroad tracks that led millions of people to concentration camps. Leading people straight to their death. Choosing to do something is inconvenient. It can be, and probably will be, uncomfortable. But by golly, ending my life comfy, while so many suffered in the place where I *might* have been their voice for safety and freedom? That is one of the worst case scenarios I can envision for what is said of my life.
Christians, as imperfect as we are, we get to be the hands and feet of God our Heavenly Father on Earth. True to His character, God does not impose His will on us. There are so many questions about God actually being a good God when x, y and z are happening on Earth. What if, so many of God’s people have been lulled to sleep so to speak? Therefore, “His hands and feet” look like they have been doing nothing? Would we even notice if we have fallen asleep? Wouldn’t it take someone else to wake us up? Chapter 10 in Luke keeps coming to mind, “laborers are few.” Maybe check it out for further context.
When a movement happens, it’s usually recognized when the movement is large. For so long, God has been intervening in our land. In our world! Miraculous things have been occurring everywhere! The media this day and age? It’s been corrupted for so long that what is covered, if covered? Looks like crumbs compared to the real stories.
What if the world is as bad as it is because God promised never to completely flood it again?
There is a shaking going on right now. Tremendous amounts of Christ followers interceding on behalf of our nation and world. You can see it all over. Earthquakes happening, tornadoes everywhere, tsunami’s, destructive winds. It’s a physical representation of the spiritual right now. There are strongholds in our nation that are being loosened! And when the silent enemy is being exposed and kicked out? You can better bet it won’t go without a fight! So I prophesy (indicate before hand) that this enemy has overstayed its welcome. Anxiety, fear, worry, hate, anger, bitterness in America? I bind you in the name of Jesus! I release in the name of Jesus peace over our nation - The United States of America! I release hope in this nation! I release the spirit of God’s love to permeate all the brokenhearted, the areas of deep loss and sorrow over this nation in the name of Jesus. There is a God and He has heard your cries for help America! He has heard your cries for exposing the termites in our governments and wherever evil is throughout our land. God is on the move and He is calling for his sons and daughters to rise up and TAKE YOUR PLACE at His table! Take your place and rule and reign in your homes and community. The heavens are opening and there is a mighty wave of God about to take place. You have authority in your place, right where you are, right now. It is not far away, it is not in the sky, it is right where you sit, right now. Begin to live in the fullness of who you are made to be right now. One step at a time. You don’t have to have it all figured out. Start with what you know then lean on God in every way, even for the things you do not understand! He will make where to go known to you. (Proverbs 3:5,6) We have played church for so long. It’s become religion. But God is saying, “I am changing that. There is a new normal for my people!” It is God’s heart for ALL to walk with Him. Because He cares for you and I, give him your concerns and worries. (1 Peter 5:7) Comfort the broken hearted (one way to be God’s hand and feet). Help with the orphans. (Another way to be God’s hand and feet) Help the widows. Ask, what can I do for you? This is how the world changes. It changes when we begin partnering with God and His spirit leading us, directing our steps (Proverbs 16:9). (Hint: For feet to be directed, they need to be in motion! Just start serving wherever you are and be open to God directing you.) It’s one God intervention at a time that we will see breakthrough in our nation.
We are the hands and feet of God on Earth. Until we unite to seek Him for His will in our day to day life? We will see repetition of the worlds current patterns and a darkening of evil over it all. Join me today in declaring that Breakthrough is coming America! Breakthrough is coming England! Breakthrough is coming Africa! Breakthrough is coming ________! Be specific! Breakthrough is coming Alexandria! Breakthrough is coming Sanford! Breakthrough is coming ___(your last name)___ family! Declare that this is a time for the new normal to take its place.
We are going to be the children of God that ask Him so many questions, that expectation of His answers become like that of a child asking his or her parents what color the sky is. We hear/see/know the answer quickly because we are familiar with how God speaks to us!
God is merciful and God is just, but God is not passive.
God’s kindness can always be found in the messy.
Breakthrough. Often occurs on the other side of our greatest pain. Meaning, when we confront what has caused us pain, the upfront cost will be humility and openness with God. When we are vulnerable with Him, it is allowing God to bring to our awareness what is not supposed to be festering inside. The Lord is the most skilled surgeon cleaning out wounds and dresses them with his love and kindness. He is patient and abounding in love. I personally believe this nation is getting her vision healed this year. (2020) We are beginning to see things we never saw before but were right in front of us. Ask the Lord to open our eyes to see clearly the things He wants to show us. Within us and around us. Allowing Holy Spirit to lead us in the process of healing will lead to the greatest breakthrough we can ever experience. Be open to receiving healing in all the areas of pain. No rush, no need to make anything happen. There are even trained professionals that literally make this their life calling, to come alongside others and see people walking into wholeness and freedom.
What is the Lord leading me to do? Worship. Worship is my weapon right now. I’m reminded of how the battles in the old testament were fought. The worshipers went out before hand. When I think of battle, I think of, “we are not fighting a flesh and blood. We are fighting against rulers and principalities of this unseen world.” Another thing the Lord is leading me to do? Begin sharing testimonies of His influence in my life and encouraging others to do the same. One of my favorite quotes is, “your story is the key that can unlock someone else’s prison.” “Your testimony is the story of your encounter with God and what role He has played throughout your life.” So, that’s where I am at. When I think of the children rescued from these trafficking rings, I keep wondering how we can provide safe havens for them. How we can reunite them with family, if possible, or find them great forever families? And that’s just the children! There are women, even men, who need care and attention too. Ah! There are so many needs out there! Asking the Lord where we might be able to be a difference is the place to start and we can trust Him for the rest. One step at a time. One song after another. We are His hands and feet. Worship is our weapon. Atmospheres shift when we usher in God’s presence through our praise and worship. Testify of His goodness in our lives! For it’s by the word of our testimony and the blood of Jesus that our silent enemy is defeated. (Revelation 12:11)
With much love,
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