Value - Part 1

His phrase, "she doesn't value herself," stuck with me. It was said in truth and love, as an observation. My pondering these past few days has landed me here, writing. How do I value myself? What would it look like if all women valued themselves?

I'd be curious to hear what comes to your mind when posing those questions. Here's what has come to mine:

When I see a woman who understands her value, I see a woman who can't conceal her smile when she remembers the same creator as the stars, the sunsets, and refreshing water created her. She smiles because she's wanted and obviously worth creating. There's hope budding at that moment too. Because if she's worth creating and wanted, she therefore must serve a purpose for being. And that purpose? It's hers to unlock and discover. And my guess? She was made just because her presence is what this world needed. Wherever she may step. She's meant to go places and do things. She's even meant to know her creator. As a result, that relationship unlocks hidden treasures the creator has placed inside of her. Treasures that only the creator could know about. Treasures that when drawn out, radiate beauty. They just confirm, that much more, how wanted she was and is.

When I see a woman who understands her value, I see her looking beyond herself. She sees a need and uses those treasures to satisfy the need. I see a women who inspires, supports and encourages those around her.

When I see a woman who understands her value, I see a woman who is fierce. She wields her weapons well and stands firm in what is true. She defends the week and powerless. She gives voice to the voiceless and lends her courage to those who need it.

When you see a woman who knows her value, what do you see?


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