The Burning Questions of my Heart

In my heart I have this huge desire to rattle the pattern of the Americans' life. Sometimes this desire is so strong that I wonder what in the world the Lord has in store for me. How will He use this desire? Where will it be channeled and how will it be challenged? What difference in life will I make and how will I make that difference? 

I want to wake dead Christians up and inspire the lazy to live nobly. I want to see thousands know Jesus, not know of Jesus but know Jesus! I want to see people experience unconditional love. How would they shine and blossom under such love and kindness?! I long to see the murderous and evil at heart receive justice but also receive forgiveness. What would this world look like then? What would happen if the Lord used you and I to make this possible? What lives would be saved? What would they do? Who would they impact? 

What if we ignored this desire? What would occur if lives weren't spared because of our negligence? Would we be missing out on our nation's wisest President to date? Would the murder die without being given the opportunity of forgiveness? What if that homeless man, woman at the grocery store, or child in the car next to you never knew what it meant to be loved? What would happen if we ignored the opportunities to make a positive difference in someone else's life? Would they become our worst nightmare? Or, somebody else's worst nightmare? Would we want to experience life without them? 

Let's say we do not ignore these opportunities? How would we be used to spare others from a life without hope? Without love? I don't know, but I am willing to find out. Are you? 

Perhaps we would see the largest revival this world has ever seen?! Perhaps we would see the streets around the world flood with miracles, celebrations and dancing? Perhaps we would see less war? Perhaps we would see our enemies repent and live peaceably in the loving kindness and forgiveness we extend to them by God's grace?  Perhaps we would put out of business the drug industries for things such as depression, ADD, ADHD, PTSD and more. 

Are there opportunities passing us by right now? What people are we failing to see, if any, in our lives that need hope? Need love? Need forgiveness? 

In my heart, this desire to see people LIVE runs wild. So much so that sometimes it burns within me. 


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