Getting over yourself to know love
I heard something really good as I started my car this morning. "Marriage is not about you. Hollywood has romanticized the idea that if you're not feeling the emotions you did when you first started dating then to get out. No, that is not how it works, that is selfishness...." Hollywood has done such a great job distorting marriage into portraying it as something that you can wear for a while but recycle when you want something new. The problem with that is that you're never satisfied for good! You're playing with people's emotions, and sometimes children's emotions for the sake of how you feel! Dang it, I'm angry this morning. Satan has manipulated our culture so much, no wonder we have such a broken nation and growing number of confused children. They don't see love lived out long enough to know what it is! Dear friends, Love is far more than an emotion!!! Satan wants us to believe otherwise. That way we my be stuck from receiving God's best for our lives. We get stuck in the rut of what we want and fail to see anything else, hurting people in our wake. Dare to love when you don't feel like it. You will changes somebody's life today for the better.
Sarah McCormick Studios
I guess I have a lot more thoughts than this. But that's all for now. I don't want to rant too much. But we do have a God who is love and shows us how to love even when we don't feel like it. It amazes me that he loves us so. He loves us incredibly so!
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