
Picture of the old fashioned scale:
“When you compare yourself, you will always be down.”
While reading 1 Timothy 2, two verses caught my attention, it seemed to breathe God’s ever passionate dream throughout past generations. “This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth.” The NIV uses the translation men but as Paul wrote this I learned he used a gender inclusive Greek word, anthropos - “person” or “human”. “So that every person is saved.” Wow, how ever patient and faithful our God is!
I want to have a Kingdom mindset. Forgetting what I don’t have behind, and pressing forward to see the Kingdom of God expand! Seeing men, women and children alike come to know the love, hope and truth Paul speaks of, as well as I...Oh my goodness! Gone will that scale mindset be, and true satisfying life be lived!
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