My Birthday Pants

Black yoga pants…you know what I’m talking about? Those tight fit, stretchy, comfy pants? Yes, those. Oh how I wanted a pair so very much. Mine was lost this summer due to traveling. I suppose God only knows where they may be…Minnesota, Florida?? Any who, Kohl’s was having this beautiful sale, I say beautiful as in 70% off sale! Guess what? The black stretchy pants were there. Only seventeen bucks. Slight ouch in my budget, holding them felt wonderful, thinking about buying them was less than peaceful. So with peace I hung them back up. Maybe just maybe someone else needed them more than I did. Atleast thinking this way lessened the pain of leaving them behind.

The day treck was gorgeous. We began before sun up and ended well after sun down. River crossings were a natural and nessesary part in getting to our camp and what do you know! Strewn over the rock bed was a pair of black stretchy yoga pants…I about kept walking until my desire stirred so much curiosity that I just had to look…they were big enough! They were black! They were dirty and growing mold, but hey I can scrub the mold and dirt out of it!...They were perfect! So the following morning consisted of me scrubbing the living daylights out of these pants and happily hanging them in a tree to dry. The following day I wore them;]--That day was my birthday~


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